2015 Regional Bike Plan
The DATS Bicycle Advisory Committee is in the process of writing the 2015 Regional Bike Plan. The purpose of the plan is to improve bicycle connectivity within Vermilion County and encourage equity for all road users. The document will focus on short and long-term infrastructure changes, as well as educational programs.
Click below to download the new Danville Metropolitan Bicycle Map.
2015 Regional Bicycle PlanFinal 2015 Regional Bicycle Plan
In the era of increasing awareness of the critical difference that wise transportation choices can make to the global environment and economy, the bicycle is reemerging as a legitimate mode of travel. To maximize the number of people utilizing a bicycle throughout Vermilion County, a myriad of infrastructure improvements, ongoing maintenance, and safety promotion programs are needed. The 2015 Regional Bicycle Plan for the DATS is one component of the MPO’s multipronged effort to promote bicycling and bicycle safety while reversing decades of automobile-oriented development. LRTP: Directions to 2035- the regional long range transportation plan- established one of its core goals to “Create a safe, livable, environmentally aware community through the promotion of a responsible transportation system with alternative modes available for all residents.” Current Initiatives