For Public Review
UPWP FY 2022 Budget
UPWP FY 2021 Budget
Work Product- Special Studies
City of Danville Wayfinding & Signage Study
Wayfinding is a means by which people can identify where they are relative to other sites, districts or facilities. It is a system of easily recognizable identifiers that connect people to their surrounds and integrates different geographic areas by letting people know where they are, where the path(s) ahead will lead them, what that path will take them to, and how they can get there. It promotes opportunities for people to go to different places and see and experience different things.
Design Concepts- Full List
Wayfinding is a means by which people can identify where they are relative to other sites, districts or facilities. It is a system of easily recognizable identifiers that connect people to their surrounds and integrates different geographic areas by letting people know where they are, where the path(s) ahead will lead them, what that path will take them to, and how they can get there. It promotes opportunities for people to go to different places and see and experience different things.
Design Concepts- Full List
Jackson & Voorhees Intersection Survey- Summary of Findings
The Jackson and Voorhees Intersection survey was created at the direction of the City of Danville Department of Engineering and Urban Services, and distributed and analyzed by the Danville Area Transportation Study. This survey analysis supplements previous public participation opportunities and traffic analyses of the Jackson and Voorhees intersection, and was intended to detail the user perception of the intersection in terms of safety, experienced delays, and pedestrian-vehicle conflicts.
The direct goal of this study is to create a wayfinding plan to efficiently direct travelers (vehicular, bicyclist, and pedestrians) to their desired destinations within the City of Danville. Through implementation of this plan we aim to: improve visitor experience; increase awareness of commercial areas; create a sense of arrival and place; increase connectivity between community assets.
East Main Street Corridor Study
East Main Street Discussion Forum-
DATS has recently initiated a planning process to create a comprehensive revitalization plan for the East Main Street Corridor, one of the City's most important transportation and commercial corridors and gateway into Danville's eastern neighborhoods.
East Main Street- State of the Corridor Report
East Main Street Final Document
2016 East Main Campus District Flyer
The Jackson and Voorhees Intersection survey was created at the direction of the City of Danville Department of Engineering and Urban Services, and distributed and analyzed by the Danville Area Transportation Study. This survey analysis supplements previous public participation opportunities and traffic analyses of the Jackson and Voorhees intersection, and was intended to detail the user perception of the intersection in terms of safety, experienced delays, and pedestrian-vehicle conflicts.
The direct goal of this study is to create a wayfinding plan to efficiently direct travelers (vehicular, bicyclist, and pedestrians) to their desired destinations within the City of Danville. Through implementation of this plan we aim to: improve visitor experience; increase awareness of commercial areas; create a sense of arrival and place; increase connectivity between community assets.
East Main Street Corridor Study
East Main Street Discussion Forum-
DATS has recently initiated a planning process to create a comprehensive revitalization plan for the East Main Street Corridor, one of the City's most important transportation and commercial corridors and gateway into Danville's eastern neighborhoods.
East Main Street- State of the Corridor Report
East Main Street Final Document
2016 East Main Campus District Flyer