DATS 2045 LRTP: Connections to 2045
A 25-Year Vision for Transportation in the Danville Area MPO
A critical element of our region's economic success is our ability to move people and goods in a safe, efficient and effective manner. The result of increased vehicular use and truck freight has put an enormous strain on our existing road network. In response, the MPO's emphasis for our future roadway network is to focus on increasing efficiency; with direction on maintaining and improving our existing facilities.
The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a community driven process that establishes a vision for mobility in the Danville Urbanized Area. The Long-Range Transportation Plan is an update to the long-range vision for how the metropolitan planning area's surface transportation system will develop over the next 25 years. The LRTP is the foundation of the transportation planning process. The plan conveys the area's priorities and creates the overarching planning framework to guide future transportation decisions. The plan's fundamental purpose is to guide resources to be used in ways that best meet the economic, community, and environmental needs of the metropolitan planning area. Through analysis of existing and projected conditions, this document outlines goals, objectives, and projects for the well-being of the regional transportation network.
A critical element of our region's economic success is our ability to move people and goods in a safe, efficient and effective manner. The result of increased vehicular use and truck freight has put an enormous strain on our existing road network. In response, the MPO's emphasis for our future roadway network is to focus on increasing efficiency; with direction on maintaining and improving our existing facilities.
The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a community driven process that establishes a vision for mobility in the Danville Urbanized Area. The Long-Range Transportation Plan is an update to the long-range vision for how the metropolitan planning area's surface transportation system will develop over the next 25 years. The LRTP is the foundation of the transportation planning process. The plan conveys the area's priorities and creates the overarching planning framework to guide future transportation decisions. The plan's fundamental purpose is to guide resources to be used in ways that best meet the economic, community, and environmental needs of the metropolitan planning area. Through analysis of existing and projected conditions, this document outlines goals, objectives, and projects for the well-being of the regional transportation network.
The 2045 update to the Long Range Transportation Plan will provide a balanced, financially-feasible set of transportation improvements that can be constructed or implemented over the next 25 years. Once updated, it will be placed onto this page for public review. Please feel free to submit any feedback you have about the current or updated Long Range Transportation Plan in the form below.